Friends of North Cyprus „Bellapaix“ e.V.
Dear North Cyprus-friends,
Today we would like to draw your attention to
Friends of North Cyprus „Bellapaix“ e.V.
Founded in 1997 this registered society pursues different types of aims and objectives. One of them is very close to our heart, namely
– the support of social facilities, e.g. orphanages and hospitals.
All activities are funded by donations and 100 % of the money donated will go directly to our projects.
In addition to donations we urgently need wheel chairs, dialysis machines and equipment, dressing material and breast prostheses.
If you know medical stores, pharmacies, hospitals or medical offices where they want to get rid of such devices, please let us know.
By signing up to become a member of Friends of North Cyprus „Bellapaix“ e.V. you can actively support our work. The annual membership fee for a natural person costs € 26 .
If you want to make a donation to our projects, this can be done by bank transfer.
Please remit your donation to:
Freunde von Nordzypern „Bellapaix“ e.V.
IBAN: DE33 7605 2080 0000 0040 28
bei: Sparkasse Neumarkt i d Opf
(You will receive a donation receipt if you make a gift of more than € 50,–).
We would be happy if Friends of North Cyprus „Bellapaix“ e.V. and our projects aroused your interest..
Friends of Northern Cyprus „Bellapaix“ e.V.
Association office
Hauptstraße 12 A
DE – 92369 Sengenthal