Hinter dem Kaya Palazo Hotel in Karaoglanoglu findet sich die St. Fanourios Kapelle. Über ein paar Stufen erreicht man die in den Fels gehauene Kapelle St. George. Neben den Stufen findet man die versteinerten Knochen von Zwergnilpferden.
The St. Fanourios chapel can be found behind the Kaya Palazo Hotel in Karaoglanoglu. Few steps leading down to the rock-cut chapel St. George. Next to the steps the petrified bones of dwarf hippos can be found.
Liebevoll gestaltete Miniaturen der Sehenswürdigkeiten Nordzyperns findet man in Minia Kibris in bei Tatlisu, direkt an der Nordküstenstrasse. Des weiteren befindet sich dort die aufwendig restaurierte Panagia Pergaminiotissa Kirche aus dem 11. Jahrhundert. Die Kirche wurde auf dem Fundament einer noch älteren Kirche erbaut und beinhaltet ein kleines Museum, sowie Fresken aus dem 11. und 12. Jahrhundert.
Affectionate designed miniatures of some sights of North Cyprus can be found in Minia Kibris near Tatlisu, next to the north coast road. Also you can visit the elaborate rebuild church Panagia Pergaminiotissa from the 11th century. The church has been build on the foundation of an even older church and contains nowadays a small museum and frescoes from 11th and 12th century.
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Since we can be found since years on Facebook and Instagram, we joined a while ago also VK.com and now we are on MeWe!
Did you know? Right in the village center of Iskele, Agios Iakovos, a little byzantine church can be found. The more common name is St. James. It dates from the 14th or 15th century. When Queen Mary of Romania visited Cyprus, she felt so in love with that church, that she had built a replica at her black sea summer residence in Balchik in 1930. Nowadays the Tourist Office of Iskele is located in this church.