Did you know? Right in the village center of Iskele, Agios Iakovos, a little byzantine church can be found. The more common name is St. James. It dates from the 14th or 15th century. When Queen Mary of Romania visited Cyprus, she felt so in love with that church, that she had built a replica at her black sea summer residence in Balchik in 1930. Nowadays the Tourist Office of Iskele is located in this church.
Versteck in den Bergen über Esentepe liegt dieses Kleinod versteckt – die Antifonitis Kloster Kirche. Die ursprüngliche Kirche wurde im 12. Jahrhundert erbaut. Der Vorbau und der Arkadengang wurden später im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert erbaut. Während verschiedene der Fresken gestohlen wurden, sind die noch vorhandenen aus dem 12. bis 15. Jahrhundert.
Hidden in the mountains above Esentepe can this beauty be found – the Antiphonitis monastery church. The church was originally build in 12th century. The narthex and the arcade have been added later in the 14th and15th century. While some paintings had been stolen, the remaining ones are dated back between 12th and 15th century.
Ein weiterer Besuch der LaPierre Kapelle und dem Aquedukt des Anwesen. Die Ruinen des Anwesens selbst war zum Zeitpunkt dieses Besuchs in einem völlig desolaten Zustand.
Visiting again the LaPierre chapel and the aqueduct to the mansion. The remains of the mansion itself were in a desolate state at the time of the photos.